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Meet 12 frontend developer View everyone

ID 489127

Matt Cumming

15 Years Experience: Branding, Design, Front-End Development & Startup Consulting

ID 94429

Thibaut Allender

Constructing web stuff since 1996

ID 637020

Trent Hennessy

Director of trenabyte, Web and Mobile application studio. PHP, mysql and wordpress guru. Always up for a challenge and can hit the ground running.

ID 7268

Nathan Ridley

Coder, Designer, Architect. Wearer of many hats.

ID 828281

Matt Ginty

Full Stack Web Developer, well versed in front-end JavaScript frameworks (e.g. AngularJS, Backbone) and MVC Backends (e.g. NodeJS, SailsJS, ASP.NET MVC, Django)

ID 220541

Brian Reaves

With 10+ yrs of digital & software experience, Brian prides himself in product ideation, offering a wide range of disciplines from a mosaic of former positions.

ID 263002

Blake Embrey

JavaScript • Full Stack Engineer • Open Source Contributor • Web Application Developer

ID 537692

Jeya Karthika

Front-End Web Developer / UX Design Apprentice BLOC

ID 579954

Jordan West

Multi-disciplinary Engineer - Experience with front-end to back-end and down to embedded. B. Eng + B. Arts.

ID 863629

Ben Dean

Worked at Oracle Labs. Studied at QUT. IT / Computer Science. Information Retrieval research. Java full stack. Ready for a challenge.

ID 865035

Gazza Azhari

Bachelor of Information Technology Majoring Software Design from University of Queensland;  Worked at IBM (International Business Machine) Indonesia.

ID 561020

Andrew Ling

WPF, Silverlight and ASP.NET specialist. Led the successful development of 3 e-commerce and resources industry projects.

//}) /* // var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //console.log('y = '+ y); if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 1200 ) { $('#promoBand').fadeIn(); } else { $('#promoBand').fadeOut(); } */ //do something special }, 11000);