Brisbane Startups List

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Meet 6 web developer View everyone

ID 102377

Muhammad Abdul Muqeet

Software Engineer at @swapmob

ID 637020

Trent Hennessy

Director of trenabyte, Web and Mobile application studio. PHP, mysql and wordpress guru. Always up for a challenge and can hit the ground running.

ID 543059

Damian Joyce

Co-Founder & Creative Director @forth-rabbit-formerly-perch. Designer & Web Web Developer, Marketing specialist.

ID 94429

Thibaut Allender

Constructing web stuff since 1996

ID 524213

Jonathan Bird

Founder Snippet Repo. 1st startup out of university. Work at Wotif. BA Information Technology with Distinction

ID 447794

Angus Russell

Founder @where2tonight • Freelance web developer for 3+ years • Studied at @griffith-university

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