Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Brisbane.
Global Entrepreneur, Startup Adviser, Tech Investor. Formerly @microsoft, @apple, @deciphertechnologies Shareholder at Capital Angels. A Chartered Accountant that got lost in the IT and Tourism sectors. Aussie.
PhD Software Architecture QUT
Designer, Developer, Entrepreneur
Director of @uniquestions Pty Ltd
Worked at @goldman-sachs • Studied at @oxford-university, @university-of-queensland
Chief Invention Officer at Halfbrick. Formerly R&D Manager at Rovio (Angry Birds). Strong focus on product and mobile.
Founder @pubget • Worked at @enthuse, @iris-associates
Founder ZOVA • Studied at @queensland-university-of-technology
Founder of SwipeAds. Previously raised $500,000 and lead development of an immersive education system, worked alongside Microsoft in that role.
Founder at Xtreamlok, and @event-zero. Exits of $25M+.
Founder and CEO of Liquid State, author, technologist and publishing industry veteran.
CEO of ollo mobile. It's a smart wearable cellular phone that monitors wellbeing. Seed investors include Sprint and Qualcomm Ventures.
Founder @keyless-io • Worked at @google, @deutsche-bank • Studied at @stanford-university, @queensland-university-of-technology
Founder Eclat • Worked at @microsoft, @nintendo @rockstar Games @australian-defence-force
Bad-ass entrepreneur's bodyguard. I back them up to make big ideas happen with deliberately simple @driven-action.
Co-founder of @popbasic. Product Manager. Fullstack Engineer.
Entrepreneur, Program Coordinator @ilab-accelerator. Co-founder Idea Network. Software Engineering & Business Management student at UQ.
Director Hunter Construction Management, Operational Banshee, Investor @couperate-2, @liveweaver @appointuit, early adopter and technology lover.
The Eikonicopolis Project Manager
Co-founder & CEO @redeye-apps
Co-founder Waterline Projects (Engineering Company)
Founder SDG (Consulting Company)
Member of the Entrepreneurs Organisation (EO)
Founder @haystack • Worked at @pwc-1 • MBA @queensland-university-of-technology
Founder of An online marketer with extensive experience growing online companies. He learned to code so could build his own cool company too.
Founder @mypresences.
Founder @shortcuts-software.
Founder @n-vision-australia, @adepto
Studied at @queensland-university-of-technology
Family man, LDS & a fanatic of automotive, fitness & technology. Co-founder of Virtus Media Group, I engineer connection habits between people and businesses.
Studied at @queensland-university-of-technology
Founder @documaps-io, FlowPro • Worked at @synengco • Studied at @university-of-queensland
Studied at @griffith-university, @university-of-southern-queensland. Strong background in early stage ventures in Australia and SE Asia.
Founder @where2tonight • Freelance web developer for 3+ years • Studied at @griffith-university
Founder Magneto Communications. Business Comms degree with Distinction. Copywriter 15 yrs (speeches, marketing, ads). Corporate writing trainer for 7 yrs.
Entrepreneur based in Brisbane AUS. Currently developing a financial planning website. Looking for professionals to help transform idea in successful reality.
Founder of @seditious-technologies. Academic and PhD student at @griffith-university University. Graduated with B.Eng in Computer Systems with Honors.
Co-Founder at @domain-guardians & @cutie-patootie
Entrepreneur with strong software architecture and distributed/scalable systems skills. Background in electronics, RF, business management and mentoring.
With 10+ yrs of digital & software experience, Brian prides himself in product ideation, offering a wide range of disciplines from a mosaic of former positions.
Entrepreneur and Product Manager with a unique background mix in business strategy and software engineering
Founder @rampup, PC Pronto, Websites Pronto, Duckbert Graphics • Studying Executive MBA @queensland-university-of-technology
Founder and CEO @teiq, multinational software development company. BSc, Postgrad Biz
Founder Snippet Repo. 1st startup out of university. Work at Wotif. BA Information Technology with Distinction