Brisbane Startups List

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Meet 42 entrepreneur View everyone

ID 102169

Mark Phillips


Global Entrepreneur, Startup Adviser, Tech Investor. Formerly @microsoft, @apple, @deciphertechnologies Shareholder at Capital Angels. A Chartered Accountant that got lost in the IT and Tourism sectors. Aussie.

ID 31544

Robert Roose

PhD Software Architecture QUT

ID 316600

Sean Bunton

Designer, Developer, Entrepreneur

ID 73515

Flynn Macfarlane

Director of @uniquestions Pty Ltd

ID 95343

Denver Dale

Worked at @goldman-sachs • Studied at @oxford-university, @university-of-queensland

ID 47235

Ramine Darabiha

Chief Invention Officer at Halfbrick. Formerly R&D Manager at Rovio (Angry Birds). Strong focus on product and mobile.

ID 304015

Ian Connor

Founder @pubget • Worked at @enthuse, @iris-associates

ID 202756

Niall McCarthy

Founder ZOVA • Studied at @queensland-university-of-technology

ID 292566

Kevin Gosschalk

Founder of SwipeAds. Previously raised $500,000 and lead development of an immersive education system, worked alongside Microsoft in that role.

ID 139322

David Tucker

Founder at Xtreamlok, and @event-zero. Exits of $25M+.

ID 450574

Philip Andrews

Founder and CEO of Liquid State, author, technologist and publishing industry veteran.

ID 279012

Hugh Geiger

CEO of ollo mobile. It's a smart wearable cellular phone that monitors wellbeing. Seed investors include Sprint and Qualcomm Ventures.

ID 406615

Adam H M


Founder @keyless-io • Worked at @google, @deutsche-bank • Studied at @stanford-university, @queensland-university-of-technology

ID 379356

Jesse Hayes

Founder Eclat • Worked at @microsoft, @nintendo @rockstar Games @australian-defence-force

ID 44309

Adrian Barkus

Bad-ass entrepreneur's bodyguard. I back them up to make big ideas happen with deliberately simple @driven-action.

ID 36772

Coen Hyde

Co-founder of @popbasic. Product Manager. Fullstack Engineer.

ID 280411

Reinard van der Leij

Entrepreneur, Program Coordinator @ilab-accelerator. Co-founder Idea Network. Software Engineering & Business Management student at UQ.

ID 46883

Anthony Painter


Director Hunter Construction Management, Operational Banshee, Investor @couperate-2, @liveweaver @appointuit, early adopter and technology lover.

ID 105240

Giovanni Esposito

The Eikonicopolis Project Manager

ID 409286

Wayne Gerard


Co-founder & CEO @redeye-apps Past Co-founder Waterline Projects (Engineering Company) Founder SDG (Consulting Company) Member of the Entrepreneurs Organisation (EO)

ID 400019

Ran Heimann

Founder @haystack • Worked at @pwc-1 • MBA @queensland-university-of-technology

ID 475740

Matthew Clarkson

Founder of An online marketer with extensive experience growing online companies. He learned to code so could build his own cool company too.

ID 37883

Paul Gordon

Founder @mypresences. Founder @shortcuts-software.

ID 74719

Nigel Whatling

Founder @n-vision-australia, @adepto

ID 153545

Steve Davis

Studied at @queensland-university-of-technology

ID 104647

Richard Gill

Family man, LDS & a fanatic of automotive, fitness & technology. Co-founder of Virtus Media Group, I engineer connection habits between people and businesses.

ID 21843

Aleks Stojic

Studied at @queensland-university-of-technology

ID 513578

Paul Knittel

Founder @documaps-io, FlowPro • Worked at @synengco • Studied at @university-of-queensland

ID 151928


Studied at @griffith-university, @university-of-southern-queensland. Strong background in early stage ventures in Australia and SE Asia.

ID 447794

Angus Russell

Founder @where2tonight • Freelance web developer for 3+ years • Studied at @griffith-university

ID 450086

Paul Jones

Founder Magneto Communications. Business Comms degree with Distinction. Copywriter 15 yrs (speeches, marketing, ads). Corporate writing trainer for 7 yrs.

ID 425138

Anzac Kirk

Entrepreneur based in Brisbane AUS. Currently developing a financial planning website. Looking for professionals to help transform idea in successful reality.

ID 83066

Tristan McNab

Founder of @seditious-technologies. Academic and PhD student at @griffith-university University. Graduated with B.Eng in Computer Systems with Honors.

ID 846233

Kyle Comino

ID 148853

Jen Sale

Co-Founder at @domain-guardians & @cutie-patootie

ID 463455

Ashley Roll

Entrepreneur with strong software architecture and distributed/scalable systems skills. Background in electronics, RF, business management and mentoring.

ID 220541

Brian Reaves

With 10+ yrs of digital & software experience, Brian prides himself in product ideation, offering a wide range of disciplines from a mosaic of former positions.

ID 493406

Reuben So

Entrepreneur and Product Manager with a unique background mix in business strategy and software engineering

ID 388508

Ryan Knell

Founder @rampup, PC Pronto, Websites Pronto, Duckbert Graphics • Studying Executive MBA @queensland-university-of-technology

ID 192573

Ross Beard

ID 31654

James Beamish-White


Founder and CEO @teiq, multinational software development company. BSc, Postgrad Biz

ID 524213

Jonathan Bird

Founder Snippet Repo. 1st startup out of university. Work at Wotif. BA Information Technology with Distinction

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